Friday, August 25, 2017

Thursday etc

You have no idea how much this wifi sucks....
Nevertheless, she persisted.

It's remarkable how much more I am enjoying this experience when I am not calling Air France during break times to inquire about my luggage. Some of the women here have offered to give me their receipts so I can submit them to Air France to get reimbursed for expenses while I was without my things. They shared their toiletries and offered me their clothes. At least I won't have to rush and do laundry when I get home, since I barely will have time to wear most of my stuff.

Yesterday we went to Carcassonne and to the fortress there. We were there for less than two hours so didn't have a lot of time. We got to the fortress less than an hour before closing time, so ran through quick. Afterwards, I was hungry and bought some overpriced nougat that was really, really sugary (not just sweet, sugary) and magnets and a souvenir for someone special.
After, we went on a dinner cruise on the Midi Canal. (Yes, we were given blue champagne.) I ate duck by accident. It was good but I still think duck looks like raw organ meet.
The writing is going well. I am not writing as I normally do but I'm still enjoying it. I must say, everyone is really nice. It's pretty impressive when you get 15 people together and no one is annoying, but that is in fact that case. Oh, and people keep thinking I am younger than I am, by a lot. I think it's because I have had my hair up and they can't see my gray. That, and besides the one woman who is 31, everyone is in their 50s to 70s.
One of the women just came back from a walk. I am allowing myself this time to not be physically active. I'll go back to the 6day/week gym schedule next week. Now I am spending my free time working on my poetry and reading. I lay around and read, I write this blog, which takes 3x the time it should. Tonight I get a massage that has been described as 'disappointing' and more of a rub-down than a massage. It's fine. It's only 40 euros. I had even considered the horse coaching, which it seems that everyone is doing except me. But there are no slots left. It's probably good I save money. Tomorrow is the only part of the trip (besides that massages and horse coaching) that was not automatically included in the price of the retreat. We are wine tasting in a cave. I think we are going to a castle after.

Yesterday we did 3 parts of a 4-part exercise that actually really does interest me. I won't bore you with the details. This is the most Delia-type thing I've written during our writes. Today I wrote fiction that was well-received but I think perhaps derivative, and could be part of a novel if I had any idea where to go with it. Maybe I will share that later.

Unbeknownst to
downtrodden dude or
deflated waiter, you
order the poetry conversation.
Twenty percent sit cross-legged
but never admit a doughnut.
The parking lot compensates
for steak, north of the
city. Suggest the skirt
has a car, is a charming
passenger, discovers
fun trunks. The
word "good" literally
never admits there
is a way to look charming.
Go on a date, fun with
a doughnut, perhaps
dinner changes the
walk back to watch
the city deflate. Sit,
because said-dude is a
salad, and feels
slighted by a steak,
tips the conversation
under the floor of
his trunk.

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