Sunday, August 18, 2024

The last two days

I spent the last two days within downtown and Old Montreal. I discovered a great Chinese bakery which is great for cheap, yummy, and portable food. Again, this was very very carb-heavy vacation.
On Saturday, I was choosing between two museums several blocks from each other. I stumbled across this church:


I found this sculpture, La Foule Illuminee:

and when I realized my legs were shaky from low blood sugar, I ate this salad:

Solid salad.

After all that, and waiting out some rain, I decided on Musee McCord Stewart, the smaller of the two options. They had exhibits dedicated to the indigenous people of Canada. They also had a large photography exhibit. I didn't get pictures of the exhibits themselves.

They have a cute outside area.

By the way, Canadian money is partially clear.

The $10 is the prettiest, because it's purple. But I had to use it to pay for a frozen cappuccino today, before I could take a picture of it :/

Today, I went to Old Montreal, went to a gallery/performance space called Fonderie Darling. Their exhibit was about the killing of black men by police officers in Quebec. 
After that I walked around looking for Chappelle Notre Dame de Bonsecours, which I had not realized I had found by accident, walked away from, around a few blocks, just to find it again.

They were having some outdoor events with merchants, zip-lining, some kinda off-the-ground obstacle course. I also got closers to the Ferris Wheel, which is much bigger than the one I went on in Golden Gate Park, when Nicole had to hold my hand the whole time.

That's it for Montreal. I have already checked in for my flight tomorrow. I plan to not check any bags, in the hopes that either, they let me carry it on, or make me check it without charging me. 
I am going to grab some dinner. 
Bye for now.

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